Bill & Frank
“We hoped to make a positive impact and improve our world. We are focused on long-term, sustainable development in our hometown.”
150 Oak | 20 Field Maple |
30 Cherry | 75 Horbeam |
25 Sycamore | 45 Broadleaf |
“We hoped to make a positive impact and improve our world. We are focused on long-term, sustainable development in our hometown.”
150 Oak | 20 Field Maple |
30 Cherry | 75 Horbeam |
25 Sycamore | 45 Broadleaf |
“Our nurture group planted the apple tree on our forest school site alongside other apple and pear trees. We are looking forward to watching the tree grow and collecting apples. ”
1Apple |
“I wanted my children to plant something and watch it grow, so I decided on a cherry tree and an apple tree. We had apples the 2nd year after planting and the children made a fruit crumble. They were so excited to see the apples forming and then had the chance to pick and eat. ”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
“We planted 1 x Eucalyptus, 1 x Ornamental Pear and 1 x Rowan Tree”
1Rowan | 1Eucalyptus |
1Pear |
“5 fruit trees planted in green belt area of garden”
5Apple |
“As a new landowner I have begun to plant part of my 1.4 acre agricultural land. In this phase I planted 15 trees comprising of Apple, Pear, Cherry and an Acer.”
15Broadleaf |
1Apple |
“We had to fell a large blue cedar in our front garden as it was dangerous. We replaced it by planting a crab apple sapling ”
1Crab Apple |
1Apple |
“Community Orchard Programme - started 2024”
3Pear | 3Damson |
3Plum | 6Apple |
“I started planting trees on my farmland in 2022. Since then I've planted just over 120 trees being a mix of ornamental and native trees (the large majority being native). I plan to plant many more. ”
28Oak | 13Birch |
1Birch | 3Alder |
1Scots Pine | 2Rowan |
1Rowan | 1Willow |
2Willow | 1Willow |
24Beech | 4Beech |
1Field maple | 3Hazel |
15Hornbeam | 1Nordic Spruce |
2Acer | 2Acer |
2Cherry | 3Cherry |
2Sycamore | 1Buddliea |
3Other Conifer | 1Other Conifer |
1Oak |
“Moved to a garden full of weeds and little else early in 2024 so have worked hard to create a garden and have included 4 trees - 2 apple, a cherry and an Olive. Now awaiting harvests to come”
1Cherry | 2Apple |
1Olive |
“We are a small group keen to enhance the bio-diversity of our community. Someone was giving away an almond tree on Facebook, so we planted it in a communal area near Whitfield Wells.”
1Broadleaf |
“I planted 3 fruit trees, 2 pears and 1 apple to provide us with some of our own fruit and also to provide blossom to help our bees ”
2Pear | 1Apple |
1Pear |
“Planted a new hedge along a riparian buffer zone”
210Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“My son asked me to purchase a native apple tree in memory of his great grandad who passed away, we have had it in a pot for a while and took great pleasure in planting it in the ground now it has grown, it’s a fitting tribute to the man.”
1Apple |
“A friend gave me a magnolia tree for my 50th birthday and I put it in my back garden.”
1Magnolia |
“We're a volunteer community group making our local area a pretty place to live. A local resident donated a magnolia tree which we planted in a communal area.”
1Magnolia |
“In my field below Spout House we have planted around 3000 trees, now in the fourth year. About 2000 have survived. I have named the Wood “Spout Wood“ and registered it with the ordinance survey.”
2000Broadleaf |
“Already have an Apple tree, James Grieve. Now we have planted another Apple, Gala. Making room for two more cooking Apple trees.”
1Apple |
“Two Himalayan birch trees and one Holly.”
2Birch | 1Holly |
“Our puppy Barni died unexpectedly and we planted his ashes and marked it with an oak tree. We also planted a plum tree near by and 2 holly trees elsewhere in the garden. Our garden is in the pretty village of Parwich”
1Oak | 1Plum |
2Holly |
“We just wanted a fruit tree to see if we could get fruit”
1Pear |
“Planting fruit trees in new house to celebrate moving in as planted fruit trees in old house when children born so following tradition so future generations can benefit. ”
2Apple | 2Plum |
2Pear |
“This tree is in memory of my beloved dog, Cookie, who passed away last year. ”
1Magnolia |
“We are trying to add wildlife friendly trees and plants. We had to have a too large conifer removed so planted two more appropriate trees. ”
1Crab Apple | 1Holly |
1Apple | 1Alder |
8Blackthorn | 1Conifer |
2Horse Chestnut | 2Pear |
1Walnut | 1Hornbeam |
1Hawthorn |
“I wanted a wildlife area so planted a wildlife hedge including hawthorn, crabapple and beech. I also wanted fruit trees and planted an apricot tree to replace my plum tree that died about 6 yrs ago.”
1Beech | 1Crab Apple |
1Hawthorn |
“I've planted a Himalayan Birch called Snow Queen (Betula Utilis Jacquemontii). It will have a lovely white bark eventually and a light canopy of leaves. ”
1Birch |
1Apple |
“Planted by the Jozefczyk's to celebrate a birthday and to remember those lost during COVID.”
1Cherry |
“One apple tree, “James Grieve” variety, to increase food productivity in the garden. Plus one silver birch to provide wildlife habitat and screening.”
1Apple | 1Birch |
“No Story, I just planted a Coxes Orange Pippin apple tree and two pear trees on the allotment I rent at at Stanley”
2Pear | 1Apple |
“I've planted four fruit trees in my garden - an apple, a cherry, a pear and a plum”
1Cherry | 1Apple |
1Pear | 1Plum |
4Conifer |
“We have planted a selection of trees on Peak Forest Recreation Ground. 12 fruit trees and approx 4 other native trees. We have also added hedging to fill the gaps in the hedge across the Recreation Ground.”
1Birch | 6Apple |
3Pear | 1Cherry |
1Blackthorn | 1Damson |
1Crab Apple | 30Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
15Birch | 15Rowan |
5Oak | 3Horse Chestnut |
5Sycamore | 15Cherry |
5Beech | 2Apple |
1Plum | 4Cherry |
2Conifer |
“I moved from Hertfordshire to Melbourne in March 2021. As part of creating a garden for wildlife, I have planted 5 trees in addition to the existing damson and apple trees.”
1Rowan | 1Birch |
1Buddliea | 1Crab Apple |
1Lilac |
“Randomly decided to plant 60 Woodland Trust common juniper trees as I like gin (and juniper is used to flavour gin). Also juniper is declining in the UK and is apparently very good wildlife habitat. ”
60Conifer |
1Birch |
“Planted an apple tree. ”
1Apple |
“My tree (Fig) is not covered in the list. It appears to be happy in my soil.”
1Broadleaf |
“We bought some additional land and cleared it but keen to replace what was there with a few small garden trees.”
1Birch | 1Willow |
1Apple |
“Apple tree planted as the first step towards growing my own fruit and vegetables.”
1Apple |
“Planted a apple, pear and magnolia to provide both food and colour to our garden”
1Apple | 1Magnolia |
1Pear |
“I have many saplings appearing in my garden and pot them for a couple of years then plant them round the back in a secluded wooded area.”
15Sycamore | 3Horse Chestnut |
1Oak | 6Hawthorn |
1Broadleaf |
“Crab apple tree been here for years. I moved it to another area, but has grown lovely colours of the apples in the autumn is lovely.”
1Crab Apple |
“Place three apple trees on the allotment to epalier ”
3Apple |
“3 trees planted by the 3 Duffield WIs to commemorate the Queens Golden Jubilee”
3Crab Apple |
1Plum | 1Cherry |
“I've planted some fruit trees in our garden ”
1Apple | 2Plum |
1Cherry |
“We have been busy this year planting trees in our sizeable garden to mitigate flooding, improve wildlife habitats encourage more birds to the garden. Three silver birch, willow, rescued plum trees and laurel as well as cherry blossom, apple and pear trees. We love rescuing trees from FB market place. ”
3Birch | 3Cherry |
2Plum | 1Willow |
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Magnolia |
“I have planted a Cherry blossom tree in my garden. I have had one in every house I have lived at my whole life. And the squirrel family planted an Oak in my lawn last year and it is growing lovely! ”
1Cherry | 1Oak |
“Hillstown Village Hall was approached by its local u3a to plant 2 trees for the Queens Jubilee event. The trustees gave permission and they are thriving”
2Hawthorn |
“We have planted a hawthorn tree in the garden”
1Hawthorn |
4Apple | 1Pear |
1Plum |
“We have planted a new apple tree ”
1Apple |
“One plum and one cherry tree planted”
1Plum | 1Cherry |
“Moved into a bare new build garden that I've developed into a beautiful space that supports wildlife”
2Birch | 1Rowan |
1Cherry | 1Apple |
1Magnolia | 2Buddliea |
1Plum |
“Buried an eaten apple in the back garden and has turned into a tree ”
1Apple |
“Re-greened our garden from a concrete yard as a better space for wildlife”
3Hornbeam | 2Apple |
“I bought a tree (dwarf apple tree) from B&M bargains, kept it in a pot for a year, but planted it in the garden early this year. ”
1Apple |
“My road is call Willow Garth and we used to have a beautiful willow tree on our street it’s long since been cut down so I planted one in my garden and it looks great.”
1Willow |
“I am adding to a small copse of trees in my field in memory of my cat, horses and dog which I have sadly lost in the last 18 months.”
2Birch | 2Apple |
2Rowan | 2Hazel |
“Cherry tree planted when my first grandchild was born”
1Cherry |
1Apple | 1Pear |
“we plant fruit trees for the blossom and fruit and a buddleia for the butterflies”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear | 1Buddliea |
15Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“My garden is too small but I planted 2 trees”
1Apple | 1Plum |
“My son, Noah, was given a sapling Rowan Tree from his Forest School lessons, he planted it in the garden in 2021 and it's now a whopper! ”
1Rowan | 1Magnolia |
5Conifer |
“We planted a Victoria plum tree in memory of my grandfather who sparked my interest in gardening. It will help our garden with wildlife and also ‘growing our own’! ”
1Plum |
“My Housing Association due to a blunder ripped out my mature garden so it had to be replaced. Since we had lost a few trees in the area I decided I wanted to put one in. Unfortunately the garden is very small. I had asked for a dwarf one that I could sit under for some shade. Unfortunately the size they brought was more suitable for Smurfs! I am hoping that it will eventually grow and add colour and variety to the area.”
1Acer |
“Planted to celebrate the birth of my second Granddaughter”
1Apple |
“Planted to celebrate the birth of my first Granddaughter”
1Cherry |
“We moved into our house 6 years ago and we have added the trees below in the last 3 years.”
3Acer | 1Crab Apple |
1Conifer | 2Buddliea |
1Cherry |
2Rowan | 1Acer |
1Birch | 2Dog Rose |
1Damson |
“Flowering cherry planted, an impulse buy by my husband while doing the Tesco shop! It's doing well, along with several other species grown from seed.”
1Cherry |
“I love eating food I’ve grown in my garden. I have planted fruit trees so that I get seasonal, local fruit. I also planted a Beech tree because they are so beautiful in autumn. ”
1Apple | 1Damson |
1Cherry | 1Beech |
1Magnolia |
“Two trees added to the garden, with wildlife in mind”
1Broadleaf | 1Crab Apple |
“We got together with Transition Buxton, a local environmental group trying to make Buxton more sustainable and they helped us plant 8 apple trees”
8Apple |
“We have moved into a bungalow and planted two cherry trees in the front garden .”
2Cherry |
“Upperdown Meadow is a Nature Recovery, Nature Connection and Wellbeing in Nature project just 10 minutes walk from Draycott on the River Derwent. 13ha of land is being managed towards species rich lowland meadow and wet woodland by a work party with 45 members gaining the benefits or working in and connecting with nature. In winter 2023/24 we planted around 770 trees gifted to us by the Woodland Trust and The Conservation Volunteers.”
100Birch | 10Blackthorn |
75Crab Apple | 10Dog Rose |
290Hawthorn | 85Hazel |
125Willow | 10Spindle |
15Holly | 50Broadleaf |
1Oak |
1Apple | 1Plum |
1Cherry |
“I have planted 5 trees in my garden since moving to Derbyshire, 2 rowan , cherry , crab apple and silver birch ”
1Birch | 1Cherry |
2Rowan | 1Crab Apple |
“2 English Oak trees planted that I had grown from fallen acorns I picked up on my daily walking. ”
2Oak |
1Plum |
“I love trees and the wildlife they bring. I have added more to my garden for the bees, birds, butterflies etc. ”
1Willow | 1Buddliea |
1Lilac | 1Olive |
2Birch | 1Buddliea |
10Conifer | 3Oak |
“I love trees. To me, trees represent stability. We moved into this home and new area a couple of years ago. There is a good sized front garden and as lots of birds come into our garden, along with the bird feeder I wanted a tree. There is a nature pond in the back garden, perfect for attracting wildlife. I'm very conscious of our climate and changing seasons. ”
1Cherry |
“To encourage and provide habitats for more wildlife. And to celebrate family birthdays”
1Hornbeam | 1Lime |
1Cherry |
3Lilac | 2Conifer |
1Holly |
1Lilac | 1Magnolia |
2Acer | 1Conifer |
2Broadleaf | 1Buddliea |
1Hazel |
“Planting lots of trees in a typical 1930s semi garden since 2016. 20+ tress planted so far. All native species. Creating shade and privacy. ”
1Rowan | 1Field maple |
1Birch |
1Other Conifer |
1Cherry |
“Mostly native trees to encourage and support wildlife in the garden, along with a small number of decorative trees.”
3Alder | 2Cherry |
3Birch | 2Oak |
1Lilac | 1Rowan |
3Spindle | 2Broadleaf |
“We wanted to plant trees that are good for the environment and also provide fruit to be eaten by us or the birds and other wildlife”
2Pear | 1Plum |
2Apple |
“I am very keen to help prevent Climate Change for the sake of my wonderful grandchildren, so we have planted about 12 on our village Playing Field, but have only managed to add 2 recently.”
1Sycamore | 1Hazel |
“I have planted 2 apple trees.”
1Apple | 1Apple |
1Pear |
“Adding more habitat for wildlife to a village garden”
1Cherry |
“A plum tree - only small but can’t wait to see it in bloom next year and eat its plums ”
1Plum |
1Apple |
“Following the removal of 3 Ash Trees due to Ash die back, 3 Lime Trees have been planted to replace them in the Parish Council's Rookery.”
3Lime |
“I had a small Christmas tree which was healthy and thriving and outgrowing its original pot ready to transplant . I regularly walk on Matlock moor forest trail Darwin Forest and the trees look exactly like mine . Nice to replant it into a suitable new habitat close to the other pine trees .”
1Scots Pine |
“A native species hedgerow was planted as part of Whitwell Parish Council's Environmental Group's pledge to improve biodiversity in the Parish, with plants and help kindly donated by a local business and landowner permission.”
36Hawthorn | 5Blackthorn |
5Dog Rose | 5Hazel |
5Dog Rose | 1Oak |
“Whitwell Community orchard has been designed on traditional lines following a proposal from Whitwell Parish Council's Environmental group. To provide maximum benefit for nature, the orchard includes a perennial hay meadow to attract more pollinators; hedgerows with many different native species to provide food and shelter for creatures such as dormice, hedgehogs and birds; as well as many old fruit varieties grafted onto vigorous rootstock. These will become large, fruitful and long lived trees, which will endure in the landscape, storing carbon and becoming full of character, providing habitat features as they age. We have used 950 bare root whips to create a 200m plus species rich native hedgerow around the site that we are planting up as a Traditional Orchard for the people and wildlife in Whitwell. The new hedge will help provide shelter from the wind and it’s flowers, fruit and nesting sites will encourage lots of insects, birds and other wildlife to the area. Some of the Rowan, oak and field maple will be selected to grow into hedgerow trees to provide additional habitat, nesting sites and song posts for birds. ”
10Apple | 5Cherry |
1Plum | 2Pear |
2Walnut | 3Hazel |
680Hawthorn | 45Hazel |
30Blackthorn | 60Dog Rose |
30Oak | 30Beech |
15Birch | 15Alder |
16Hornbeam | 15Rowan |
15Field maple |
1Magnolia |
“We have planted 15 trees in our woodland garden and 1000 native whips in our fields”
11Acer | 4Cherry |
250Blackthorn | 250Dog Rose |
250Hawthorn | 250Hazel |
“We planted a Pear tree as part of my 70th Birthday celebrations. It is in our front garden together with previously planted(prior to 2021) Apple and Plum Trees.”
1Pear |
“We bought a house and planted new trees. ”
2Birch | 1Acer |
2Cherry | 1Scots Pine |
1Plum |
“In memory of my mother, Audrey Hage”
1Apple |
“two apple trees ”
2Apple |
“My husband has always wanted to plant some trees in our field at Monsal Head so I thought it would be a good idea to do this year to celebrate his 70th birthday. Hopefully he will live to a ripe old age and be able to witness ‘Neil’s Nook’ maturing into a proper copse of mixed woodland. We have planted two oak, one beech, one walnut, a holly, two alder, several rowan, field maple, silver birch, wild cherry, about 50 trees in all. Unfortunately some sheep got into the field and had a good nibble at the young trees shortly after planting back in January but I think they have all survived and we have now fenced the woodland area off so this can’t happen again. We look forward to watching the trees grow and to encouraging a growing range of wildlife into our field. ”
2Alder | 1Beech |
20Birch | 15Field maple |
1Holly | 2Oak |
1Walnut | 2Cherry |
5Rowan | 2Hazel |
“Planted a red Acer in front lawn 2023, previously in a pot, now doing well. Planted small flowering cherry for my 71st birthday Feb 2024. In addition lots of small seedlings grown from seeds, nuts yet to be homed. I love growing things”
1Cherry | 1Acer |
“This is a self seeded cherry tree, still quite small - but doing well. ”
1Cherry |
“These silver birch had self-seeded at the edge of our pond. Cutting the roots free was a real chore but all three trees survived, meaning I could replant them elsewhere in the garden. They're doing really well, and we planted them to remember our late and much loved pets Ash the rat, Snow le rat, Miller the Magnificent, Violet Sideburns & Iris the Singer. Silver birch is one of our favourite trees, so gentle and light. We're really looking forward to a little shade when they are big enough.”
3Birch |
“Planted 5 silver birch to give dappled shade in our large south facing garden”
5Birch |
“We are a community group based out of St John's Walton who are developing the adjacent field to create a Community Garden. We successfully received a grant from the Tree Council to plant 12 trees as listed and these were planted on 27th Jan 2024 by volunteers. Work is continuing and all local people are welcome to contact us to get involved.”
2Willow | 1Birch |
4Apple | 2Pear |
3Walnut |
“I have planted about 70 trees over the last 3 years with Junior school pupils. Mostly they have survived despite the summer droughts. Every year we apply to the Woodland Trust for another 30 trees and every child has planted at least one.”
70Cherry |
“Planted two apple trees.”
2Apple |
“I planted a miniature weeping pear in our garden to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee”
0Pear |
1Acer | 1Cherry |
2Willow | 1Magnolia |
“This is the Littlemoor Allotment site. It has 16 plots on it. Our family has had an allotment here for over 60 years. Four years ago he split his plot into 3, a 1/3 each for him, my sister and me. We lost dad 2 months ago and I've 'inherited' his 1/3 and I've planted 2 fruit trees to remember him by.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“Planted the following - 1 apple tree, 1 pear tree and 2 acer trees.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
2Acer |
“Down below our vineyard at Doehole, just off Matlock Road, we’ve got a little woodland area that’s rather like a rainforest. So we’re planting more trees so we can have a proper pocket rainforest!”
4Birch | 2Cherry |
2Hawthorn | 2Hazel |
2Oak | 2Rowan |
4Willow |
“Mother's Day trees”
1Apple | 1Plum |
“Our acorn-grown 40-yr-old oak had got too big, small garden so had to go, so was replaced last year by a small Cherry tree. Will out-see us! Remove, Replant, Regrow...”
1Cherry |
“In 2016 we started on a mammoth project to create a 200 metre natural hedge on the eastern border of our nature reserve. This is the second attempt to fill gaps where plants have not taken in the past”
200Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 15Apple |
10Holly |
“People from the village donated money to purchase young trees in recognition of the King's coronation”
2Alder | 2Lime |
4Beech | 5Cherry |
40Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 5Oak |
1Oak | 1Rowan |
5Broadleaf | 5Broadleaf |
“New neighbours in Nov 22 - cleared 50 mature trees - I have replanted on the border for wildlife ”
8Conifer |
“Thanks to donations from our Kiva Ceremony, we have planted 10 more Rowan trees at The Land”
10Rowan |
“We planted a rowan for the berries to attract birds, and an apple and mulberry for us.”
1Rowan | 1Apple |
1Broadleaf |
2Cherry | 1Apple |
1Plum |
“My husband has planted 3 trees and lots of shrubs in our garden. Which encourages birds. ”
2Bay | 3Other Conifer |
“Red Robin planted on our new front lawn”
1Rowan |
1Acer |
“Planted for me by my nanna moo ”
1Rowan |
“Planted this tree after having both my children so I can watch it grow like them”
1Magnolia |
“I was fortunate enough to get a free tree from The Derwent Valley project ”
1Cherry |
“I have planted two cherry trees & one pear tree in my orchard to start replacing some very old trees”
2Cherry | 1Pear |
“About 20 trees supplied by Severn Trent Water as compensation for trees felled during work on a small sewage plant”
10Birch | 10Broadleaf |
“Ten saplings planted at Swathwick Farm in 2023: 4 oaks and 6 willows. ”
4Oak | 6Willow |
“Picked up 2 holly trees from Rosliston on the free tree scheme. What a great idea.”
2Holly |
100Broadleaf |
“I planted an Apple tree in my garden. ”
1Apple |
“Planted 1 plum tree in 2021. have grown three acorns into small oaks. 2021, 2022 and 2023 still pots”
3Oak | 1Plum |
“Last year we bought our home and finally planted our beloved pot-grown acer in the ground”
1Acer |
“I planted a Hazel Sapling ”
1Hazel |
“New house - chose to plant a Rowan Tree and a flowering cherry.”
1Rowan | 1Cherry |
“To restore an orchard in the grounds where we have outdoor sessions ”
24Apple |
“I planted a tree. ”
1Cherry |
1Hazel | 1Apple |
1Pear | 1Plum |
“We have planted fruit trees. Have grown some from the pips from a rare Red Devil tree.”
20Apple |
“We planted a plum tree in honour of our late cat, Tubbs.”
1Plum |
1Cherry |
“I bought my husband a Silver Birch tree, to celebrate our 25th Silver wedding anniversary 14/11/23”
1Birch |
“We are trying to encourage birds in the Cotmanhay area and planted 2 apple trees as perches/food.”
2Apple |
1Plum |
“In memory of my dad”
1Magnolia |
“14 trees so far a Bay, a Quince 3 Apples, a Damson, a Silver Birch, a Hazelnut, a Plum, 2 Cherries, a Pear, an Olive and a Lilac.”
3Apple | 1Bay |
2Cherry | 1Damson |
1Hazel | 1Olive |
1Pear | 1Plum |
1Quince | 1Birch |
1Lilac |
“Weeping willow with my husband's ashes under. On the way to The Navigation, Buxworth. His favourite ”
1Willow |
“Planted 4 fruit trees, a bamboo, 16 various whips and an established Yew. ”
1Eucalyptus | 3Oak |
6Sycamore | 1Pear |
2Apple | 1Cherry |
4Willow | 1Yew |
“We planted a tree in the woods to remember our Mum”
1Apple |
“We planted 108 trees on our school grounds with the long term ambition to create a wooder area.”
18Field maple | 18Oak |
18Rowan | 18Birch |
18Cherry | 18Willow |
1Willow |
“As 3 fruit trees can be called an orchard we have planted two apples and a cherry.”
2Apple | 1Cherry |
“ During 2021 we planted over 100 mixed saplings supplied by The Woodland Trust”
20Hazel | 20Oak |
20Blackthorn | 20Rowan |
20Birch |
“We planted a crabapple as we wanted something native with beautiful flowers and fruit. ”
1Apple |
“We planted an oak tree at in memory of my son who died in 2017”
1Oak |
“Found a sapling growing in an old tub. Have re-planted it in my garden. Turned out to be a Rowan Tree”
1Rowan |
“Sorbus Eastern Promise A tree with good autumn colour and pretty berries. Joy for years to come!”
1Rowan |
1Acer | 1Eucalyptus |
1Cherry |
“I have planted a Himalayan silver birch, a crabapple tree and an acer in my back garden. ”
1Birch | 1Apple |
1Acer |
“Replacements for an Oak tree we had to fell”
4Apple | 2Cherry |
“We planted three fruit trees to add to Derbyshire's total, in my garden - 60th birthday presents!”
1Plum | 1Cherry |
1Apple |
“Willow. Hazelnut, Sycamore, Apple, Damson, Cherry. Self seeded Hazelnut and goat willow since 2021”
3Willow | 4Hazel |
4Buddliea | 2Cherry |
“My family planted a Rowan tree in my front area as a Christmas present 2021. It has an orange berry.”
1Rowan |
1Conifer | 1Acer |
1Walnut | 1Birch |
1Rowan | 2Apple |
“I planted a tree for my son, that was the same size as him at the time so they can grow together. ”
1Apple |
“We planted 3 apple trees; a Newton wonder, James Grieve and another to help with bees and supply us ”
3Apple |
“We've planted a mini orchard of apple pear and plum. 🍎🍏🍐”
4Apple | 2Pear |
1Birch | 2Plum |
1Apple | 1Hawthorn |
12Buddliea |
“Seedlings from garden grown till 18" tall then planted out. ”
1Field maple | 1Broadleaf |
2Aspen |
“I moved to a brand new house and garden and planted several trees in my garden. ”
5Eucalyptus | 1Conifer |
1Rowan | 1Scots Pine |
“My husband and I planted an apple tree for our grandchildren in Totley. ”
1Apple |
“Each time a grandchild is born I plant a seed from an apple I had on that day.”
3Apple | 1Magnolia |
“Built a new house and wanted to plant trees! ”
1Alder | 6Birch |
2Broadleaf |
“I like to plant trees for both my late husband and late daughter so they will be remembered.”
2Magnolia |
2Apple | 1Plum |
1Walnut |
“I planted a Christmas 🎄 Pine tree as I sadly lost my friend Caroline in June 2021. In Swadlincote.”
1Other Conifer |
“450 mixed native, Hawthorn, Hazel, Oak, Rowan, Blackthorn, Silver Birch”
450Broadleaf |
“We have renewed a pond and plated many trees around it ”
3Apple | 2Plum |
1Oak | 1Cherry |
1Horse Chestnut | 1Birch |
“Our whip was provided by the FSC for free!”
1Apple |
“I have planted 2 cherry trees 1 apple tree and 1 pear tree ”
1Apple | 1Pear |
2Cherry |
“My son bought the apple tree for mother's day. It is a duel variety. ”
1Apple |
2Apple |
“More trees by the bank of the river Wye”
8Birch |
“wanted to add trees back to our garden ”
2Birch | 2Cherry |
“We plant & dedicate this tree to mark the Coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey 6.6.23”
1Rowan |
1Walnut | 2Olive |
6Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 1Magnolia |
10Birch |
“A friend gave me a little oak tree in a pot from grown from an acorn, I planted in kitchen Woods.”
1Oak |
“We planted fruit trees as part of a community orchard when we first moved to the area in May 2023 ”
1Plum | 2Cherry |
“I planted 2 flamingo trees ”
1Cherry | 2Willow |
“We planted 3 trees in our garden in December 2022. One for each child we have. ”
1Cherry | 1Apple |
1Plum |
“We have recently bought a prominent house on Gladstone Road. we are wanting to plant ~50 trees ”
14Oak |
“From the South Derbyshire Free Tree Scheme three trees added since 2021”
3Cherry |
“Planting native mostly fruit and nut Bearing Wild trees, on my small holding. Part of rewilding”
5Walnut | 10Hazel |
2Sweet Chestnut | 6Rowan |
2Willow | 2Birch |
6Oak | 1Olive |
6Cherry | 18Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“We're making our garden into a wildlife friendly place, with trees, pond, small meadow and hedgerows”
2Apple | 7Buddliea |
1Cherry | 4Damson |
1Hawthorn | 50Hazel |
2Pear | 4Plum |
1Yew |
“Planted a plum tree to replace a tree cut down that was leaning on a fence.”
1Plum |
3Conifer |
“Ive planted over 300 trees on my land over the past year, with a view to planting more. ”
300Beech |
“In memory of partner”
1Other Conifer |
“Wycherley Elm sapling found in garden kept in a pot for1 year then planted out. Oak sapling planted”
1Oak | 1Wych Elm |
1Cherry | 1Apple |
1Pear |
“We created some additional space in our garden and planted 2 fruit trees”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“Planted buy the Aitone group to celebrate 80 of the Trefoil guild of guiding Long Eaton ”
1Rowan |
1Rowan | 1Birch |
“My family and I have planted an apple tree in our garden to start our family orchard.”
1Apple |
5Birch | 1Oak |
5Hazel | 1Apple |
“I came from house surrounded by trees to a new build so I needed to add some wildlife ”
1Pear | 1Apple |
“Planted silver birch to encourage birds into the garden. ”
1Birch |
1Hazel | 1Hazel |
“We planted a magnolia tree in memory of a dear departed family pet.”
1Magnolia |
“Apple tree”
1Apple |
1Willow |
“To create a very small orchard”
2Apple | 2Cherry |
2Pear |
“We have planted a new cherry tree to cheer us up after a horrid year”
1Cherry |
“We planted three fruit trees for the beginnings of an Orchard”
1Apple | 1Plum |
1Quince |
“We have lots of new trees planted in our new Forest Schools Field and a lovely new cherry tree.”
1Cherry | 2Apple |
1Pear | 1Willow |
“Six trees planed in memory of our dear friend Alan, who we lost in 2021”
2Horse Chestnut | 2Oak |
2Sycamore |
“Adding trees to increase biodiversity”
2Birch | 1Other Conifer |
1Birch | 1Hazel |
1Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 1Beech |
1Pear | 2Apple |
1Field maple | 1Rowan |
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Willow |
“Apple, plum, pear, fig trees planted”
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Broadleaf | 1Plum |
“An apple, twisted willow, a weeping cherry, rowan all in a small terraced back garden ”
1Apple | 1Willow |
1Rowan | 1Cherry |
“I hand carried two fruiting cherry trees from Tesco, one at a time, and planted them in my garden.”
2Cherry |
“A yellow plum tree to commemorate the birth of our daughter”
1Plum |
1Plum | 2Apple |
1Willow | 3Broadleaf |
“Making our garden a nicer place to be!”
1Cherry | 1Apple |
2Cherry | 1Pear |
“About 100 deciduous trees, some self seeded birch, beech and oak supplemented by some specimen trees”
30Birch | 80Hawthorn |
15Beech | 15Oak |
10Hornbeam | 19Conifer |
“My neighbour and I decided it would be lovely to have a plum tree we could share and enjoy”
1Plum |
“It was an Apple tree bought by my Daughter and Grandson for my Birthday in March ”
1Apple |
“We have a silver birch and an oak tree planted ready for permanent planting when a bit bigger”
1Oak | 1Birch |
2Cherry | 1Apple |
“Trees were planted in our garden at the top of the railway embankment”
3Alder | 4Apple |
1Cherry | 1Hawthorn |
1Willow |
“We decided to plant 4 fruit trees ”
1Apple | 1Plum |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
3Beech |
“We have planted 5 fruit trees in the garden in our new house to start an orchard. ”
2Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear | 1Plum |
“I plant at least one tree every year in memory of friends and family who have passed away ”
1Rowan | 4Apple |
6Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 2Hazel |
2Magnolia |
“We purchased some additional agricultural land in April 2023, we have ‘re-wilded’ a small section”
2Oak | 2Birch |
1Cherry | 1Hawthorn |
1Beech | 1Rowan |
“Planted a Crab Apple to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. An Ashmeads Kernal apple as love it”
2Apple | 1Hawthorn |
1Plum | 1Pear |
“New boundary hedges planted”
200Birch | 10Apple |
50Field maple | 3000Hawthorn |
100Hazel | 500Oak |
20Scots Pine | 5Pear |
100Rowan |
1Apple | 1Plum |
“I bought a Maple Tree and planted it in my garden”
1Field maple |
“Planted an apple tree in our garden”
1Apple |
“We moved to a new place and planted a tree to commemorate that”
1Cherry |
“In August 2021, I planted a miniature cherry blossom in my garden along with a miniature willow tree ”
1Cherry | 1Willow |
“We planted an apple tree 2020 outside of the unit and decided to plant a cherry tree summer 2023”
1Cherry |
“We’ve actually planted four oak saplings grown from acorns and have 12 acers & 3 eucalyptus to plant”
4Oak |
“I planted 2 apple trees to be pollenated by my beehives”
2Apple |
“my story!! well I buy apples for my dog as an occasional treat, he used to pick up crab apples”
1Apple |
“I was bought 3 himalayan birch trees as a gift from my children ”
3Birch |
“Since moving in to our new house in 2021 we have planted silver birch, sweet gum trees and a cherry tree”
1Cherry | 3Birch |
4Nordic Spruce |
“We have planted 2 apple trees in our back garden ”
2Apple |
“Apple, plum and silver birch”
1Apple | 1Birch |
1Plum |
“18 cherry trees planted to add to the single cherry tree, making a total of 19, WW1 memorial.”
18Cherry |
“I planted 4 in my garden for my children and one for lost loved ones”
1Magnolia | 1Cherry |
1Conifer | 1Tamarix |
“On Holbrook park the parish council arranged to plant 2 trees. A field maple and a silver birch”
1Field maple | 1Birch |
“We have planted 8 trees in total in remembrance of 8 dear Family members and friends ”
1Cherry | 1Pear |
2Hornbeam | 1Eucalyptus |
2Plum | 1Broadleaf |
“Family planted it together on our back garden, to help pollinators and and teach our children.”
1Apple |
1Beech |
“We have planted a mixed hedge from the Woodland Trust in the school grounds, and an oak sapling.”
1Oak | 2Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“We planted in our garden to help our children to learn about plants and growth.”
1Pear | 1Willow |
1Broadleaf |
“Rowan tree planted in the village school by the school children, celebrating Kings Coronation”
1Broadleaf |
“In March 2023, we planted 8 Amelanchier Lamarkii trees in the roadside verge on Longmoor Lane.”
8Broadleaf |
1Pear |
“We planted the tree as a replacement for an older tree that had died.”
1Cherry |
1Broadleaf |
“I planted a nordic spruce ”
1Nordic Spruce |
“Having witnessed so many mature hazel trees being destroyed I decided to plant 5 in small dedication”
5Hazel |
2Apple | 1Cherry |
2Pear |
“Planting fruit trees for free fruit for humans and wildlife,”
8Oak | 5Birch |
6Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 1Willow |
8Plum |
“Gifted as an anniversary present for our first year in our new house”
1Cherry |
“I have a large back garden and during lockdown I planted the trees as part of a vegetable garden.”
1Plum | 1Apple |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
1Birch |
1Cherry | 1Birch |
“We planted a Japanese blossom tree for The Queen's Green canopy”
1Cherry |
“I have planted a silver birch in my garden and an oak tree and a silver birch in my brothers garden ”
2Birch | 1Oak |
“I have planted 4 trees in my rear garden to improve the area, attract extra wildlife and for aesthetic.”
1Oak | 1Sycamore |
1Cherry | 1Broadleaf |
1Broadleaf |
“We planted an apple tree in memory of our beloved dog Dillen who was part of our family for 18 years”
1Apple |
1Scots Pine |
“We planted 7 trees from a collection grown from seeds by Joe Akers, who recently passed away”
1Cherry | 1Apple |
5Broadleaf |
“My mum gave my husband and I a eucalyptus tree to celebrate our wedding”
1Eucalyptus |
1Plum | 1Cherry |
1Willow |
“These 2 nut trees were given to me by a neighbour when they were tiny in 2023.”
1Broadleaf |
“I wanted to make my garden more diverse and nature friendly. ”
1Birch | 1Apple |
1Pear |
“We are planting a community orchard in the grounds of Weston on Trent Parish Church ”
3Apple | 1Quince |
1Conifer |
“During Covid I collected oak acorns in our local walks. I now have 8 surviving trees all doing well”
8Oak |
“I was fuming, the school at the bottom of my garden, keeps chopping healthy trees and hedges down.”
1Alder | 1Apple |
“New house garden”
1Apple | 1Birch |
“Today we planted our tree remembering Geoff Husband. Loved dearly by all his family and friends. ”
1Oak |
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Cherry |
“We designed new garden. Mountain Ash as a focal point and for the birds ”
1Rowan |
“I have removed two large conifers and planted 5 Portuguese laurel trees ”
5Broadleaf |
177Broadleaf |
71Scots Pine | 3Broadleaf |
11Broadleaf |
40Broadleaf |
“I started planting trees to offset my carbon footprint & to encourage more biodiversity. ”
40Other Conifer |
“I have planted an apple tree in my rear garden”
1Apple |
“The sycamore tree started growing in a pot. This year I have put it into the ground.”
1Sycamore |
75Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“Mum moved house after we lost Dad and we are creating a new front garden for her. We planted a tree.”
1Broadleaf |
“I planted an apple tree in memory of a friend who died of cancer. ”
1Apple |
“I volunteered to plant trees for the day, as part of a National Trust initiative. ”
7Oak | 7Beech |
7Sycamore |
“An early stage in trying to get our bare garden more ecologically healthy. ”
3Apple | 3Birch |
1Plum |
“My daughter had been growing an apple tree for a few years now, it’s in our back garden.”
1Apple |
“We had a lovely garden makeover and planted a multi-stemmed Silver Birch as the centre piece.”
1Birch |
“My new build house needed trees. Two Hawthorns and a Willow ”
2Hawthorn | 1Willow |
“6 fruit trees planted as part of the restoration of the historic Sudbury Gasworks ”
6Apple |
“Rowan - not listed below - planted for colour, shade and winter berries for birds”
1Rowan |
“I grew a little oak tree from an acorn, this is now planted in my garden in Cromford ”
1Oak |
1Broadleaf |
“I planted my tree in memory of my Mum who died from Ovarian Cancer in 2017”
2Magnolia |
“The pupils have planted a variety of trees and a hedgerows to help develop our forest school area”
30Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 5Birch |
20Hawthorn | 5Oak |
10Broadleaf | 10Apple |
5Cherry | 20Hazel |
2Apple |
1Field maple |
“Kilmarnock willow to replace flowering cherry that died.”
1Willow |
“Plum tree and apple tree”
1Plum | 1Apple |
“Wanted to add interest to the garden and support insects and birds in the area”
1Birch |
“Iv planted 2 beautiful cherry trees in my garden. ”
2Cherry |
“We have planted and apple, pear and plum tree in Oct 2021. ”
1Plum | 1Apple |
1Pear |
1Oak |
“We planted a Victoria plum tree. Lovely blossom for the pollinators. ”
1Plum |
“I had a row of conifers removed so added two fruit trees for me and the birds and bees etc.”
1Plum | 1Apple |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
1Oak |
1Willow | 1Oak |
1Cherry |
“We planted a Pear Tree in the back garden and a Plum Tree in the front garden ”
1Plum | 1Pear |
“A lovely surprise when a friend gave me a birthday Cherry tree after I mentioned wanting fruit trees”
1Cherry |
“Was given as a birthday present, and growing well!”
1Apple |
“My daughter was born in October 2021, so we planted an apple tree in our garden ❤️”
1Apple |
“We planted apple tree to replace one we think will be felled soon, & hazel as a wildlife hedgerow”
1Apple | 10Hazel |
“We are planting a wildflower meadow (Nov 2023) and have already planted 11 trees in our back garden”
1Hazel | 1Apple |
1Hawthorn | 1Hornbeam |
1Cherry | 1Damson |
1Pear | 20Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“We have planted a plethora of plants, flowers and trees in our new build garden to attract wildlife.”
2Oak | 1Birch |
3Cherry | 1Plum |
1Willow | 1Beech |
“Our garden was planted in March 2022, as part of the Queen's green canopy.”
2Cherry | 2Damson |
1Apple | 2Broadleaf |
“Planted trees to make my garden more interesting to birds. Planted a magnolia, pussy willow, maple”
1Magnolia | 1Willow |
1Broadleaf |
1Walnut |
“In memory of my dad”
1Oak | 1Apple |
5Broadleaf | 3Broadleaf |
“These trees are planted on behalf of bereavement families.”
2Oak |
“Birthday present to make an orchard ”
1Plum | 2Apple |
2Cherry | 1Pear |
2Plum |
“I have been planting trees on my land for years and since 2021 I have planted 50+ trees and 1250+ hedgerow”
30Field maple | 10Apple |
1250Hawthorn | 20Sycamore |
5Cherry | 5Other Conifer |
50Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“We planted 2 plum and 2 apple trees to shield our view of new housing which have been built behind”
2Apple | 2Plum |
“I love trees. This one was a gift for my 60th birthday. ”
1Cherry |
“Replacing old trees that were unstable ”
2Cherry | 1Scots Pine |
1Oak |
“We are creating a wildlife friendly, food forest / kitchen garden. ”
1Birch | 1Hazel |
3Apple | 2Pear |
1Plum | 3Broadleaf |
1Willow | 1Magnolia |
“Planted a Pear tree and two acers in my son's garden.”
1Pear | 2Field maple |
1Apple | 1Hazel |
1Pear | 1Other Conifer |
1Broadleaf |
“We have two very old apple trees in our garden and have planted two new ones just in case”
2Apple |
“A gift from a lady at Belper Unitarian Church, I have planted a Hazel tree in our garden ”
1Hazel |
“As a family we planted a Cherry Tree in our garden to celebrate Mother’s Day 2023”
1Cherry |
“Queen's Platinum year. A Hornbeam tree to fit in with the Memorial Park's native tree collection.”
1Hornbeam |
“We planted a apple tree in our garden, replacing a greengage which had stopped producing fruit.”
1Apple |
1Hazel | 3Apple |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
1Cherry |
“I bought my first home & wanted to fill it with plants the birds & bees will love. So far, so good!”
1Broadleaf |
“Planted fruit trees for my children in the garden, and a corkscrew hazel”
2Apple | 1Cherry |
1Plum | 1Hazel |
“Added another tree to my small spinney of 60 mixed trees already planted.”
1Birch |
“Planted a hydrangea tree in memory of our late dog.”
1Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
5Apple | 1Broadleaf |
1Cherry |
1Cherry | 1Conifer |
1Magnolia | 2Eucalyptus |
“Together with my husband we love nature and we would like bring more good vibes to our life.”
2Willow | 2Birch |
“I love trees and I would like to have one for me so I and my husband put one next to our house”
2Field maple |
“Following the passing of my wives grandparents we planted an apple tree in their memory.”
1Apple |
“We decided to add apple, pear and cherry trees to our garden to bring some homegrown fruit into it”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear |
“We lost a few special people in our lives recently and planted trees in their memory.”
3Oak |
3Birch | 3Hawthorn |
15Cherry |
“I have planted 3 trees to have home grown fruits so we planted 1 apple, 1 pear and 1 plum in 2021 ”
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Plum |
“We have planted 4 fruit trees and one Christmas tree”
2Apple | 1Plum |
1Pear | 1Other Conifer |
“We’ve planted a mini Apple Orchard plus a couple of specimen trees”
11Apple |
“For our children we wanted to show fruits don't grow in supermarket but in our own garden ”
1Pear | 1Apple |
3Cherry |
“I planted two Acer Tree's last summer 2022 as I have always admired them ”
2Broadleaf |
“I have planted both a green and red acer. I have also planted multiple shrubs and heathers”
15Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 2Broadleaf |
“I live at Woodside Cottage which has an abundance of trees, we added a further willow tree.”
1Willow |
“I planted a Rowan tree, gifted to us on the birth of our second child. I also planted 2 Cheery trees”
1Broadleaf | 2Cherry |
“Planted a red hawthorn in May 2023”
1Hawthorn |
“We painted 3 fruit trees in our garden ”
2Apple | 1Plum |
2Birch |
“We wanted a mini orchard to help the bees so we planted apple, cherry, pear, walnut, plum and hedgerow ”
1Cherry | 1Walnut |
2Apple | 1Magnolia |
1Pear | 1Plum |
25Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“We planted a silver birch free in our garden ”
1Birch |
4Birch |
“Had an extension built completely replanted the garden. ”
1Cherry | 1Quince |
1Broadleaf |
“Bought a Williams pear & olive tree(in a pot) and planted them with the other 10 in my garden”
1Broadleaf | 1Pear |
“We are trying to encourage birds to visit our small garden so have planted 2 apple trees.”
2Apple |
“Moved house and decided to create a small area of meadow with fruit trees.”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear |
“I have planted a tree for each of my grandchildren ”
1Apple | 1Alder |
“We bought a house where the front lawn was absolutely bare. We planted a gleditsia and a crab apple.”
2Broadleaf |
2Apple | 1Plum |
1Willow |
“I added flower borders plus 4 cypresses, 1 acer, 2 standard euonymus, 4 yew and a natural hedgerow. ”
6Conifer | 4Yew |
11Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“I planted an apple tree in the garden which I’ve grown from a seed. ”
1Apple |
1Cherry | 1Apple |
1Oak |
“Planted about 30 trees so far in a standard semi garden including 8 since June 2021. ”
7Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 1Plum |
“The trees were birthday presents from my wife.”
2Apple | 1Pear |
“Cherry blossom tree x3”
3Cherry |
“We have planted an apple tree in our front garden and hope to also plant a plum and a pear tree. ”
1Apple |
“I have an allotment and recently added 2 pear trees and a plum to my collection of 10 fruit trees.”
2Pear | 1Plum |
1Eucalyptus |
“Developing a new build garden from scratch, planting trees for the future and to attract bees”
1Hawthorn |
“Owned this field since Oct 2003 rear apple tree, husband passed away May 21 - a nice way to remember him.”
1Apple |
“Planted a small apple tree in my front garden.”
1Apple |
1Walnut | 1Sweet Chestnut |
1Plum |
“Planted 2 apple trees developing our mini orchard.”
2Apple |
“I have been doing renewal planting in this small wood. Mature trees are 100+ years old.”
5Beech | 6Birch |
5Oak |
“So far I have planted two acers and plan more trees as I have 4 mature trees dying (Ash dieback)”
2Field maple |
“I got 3 saplings for a Christmas present and set them on my uncle's land. ”
1Oak | 1Aspen |
1Willow |
“Planted 6 oak trees from seed but some one stole them all so 4 Christmas trees and trying to grow 5 more oak”
5Oak | 4Scots Pine |
“A self planted sycamore tree was found by my greenhouse now in the ground doing very well. ”
1Sycamore |
“Planting trees to start a nursery then plant in the wild”
3Broadleaf |
“4 Yew trees in our back garden ”
4Yew |
“Planted a Prunus Kanzan in garden in June 2022 for the Platinum Jubilee.”
1Cherry |
1Magnolia |
“I planted a cherry tree and a plum tree”
1Cherry | 1Plum |
“First but not the last”
1Apple |
1Magnolia |
1Birch | 3Apple |
2Damson | 2Plum |
“We planted a tree in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and we chose Rowan after our son’s name!”
1Broadleaf |
“We've planted 2 plum & 2 pear trees, grown as cordons to fit the garden”
2Plum | 2Pear |
“We moved into a house which just had paving stones, no planted areas. I love trees and wildlife”
1Birch | 1Cherry |
1Magnolia | 1Conifer |
1Plum | 1Pear |
1Broadleaf | 1Nordic Spruce |
“Since Covid we have planted 1012 new trees at Darley Moor Sports Centre. Another 300 to go!!!”
200Scots Pine | 400Broadleaf |
400Other Conifer | 12Oak |
“The Cupressus Sempervirens (Totem) was planted for Queen Elizabeths 70th Anniversary in my garden. ”
1Other Conifer |
“Planted a pear tree and an apple tree in our small garden this summer”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“Planted a cherry, plum and pear tree - 3 trees in back garden.”
1Pear | 1Plum |
1Cherry |
“Planted up lots of native bushes & flowers, along with a Rowan tree in the back garden ”
1Broadleaf |
“Part of the regeneration of tintwistle quarry our group planted a holly tree & hazel ”
1Hazel | 1Broadleaf |
“We all have to fight against global warming & tree planting helps ! ”
1Cherry |
1Oak | 1Scots Pine |
“We saved a Spruce sappling we found on a walk on our holidays in Scotland.”
1Scots Pine |
1Pear |
“An evergreen tree with berries in winter so birds can feed.”
1Broadleaf |
“Planted 7 trees in 2022-23 in back garden of my house on new development in Ashbourne.”
1Apple | 2Apple |
1Hawthorn | 2Plum |
1Magnolia |
“I live in Wessington, and have planted 7 trees so far, 3 oak, 1 chestnut and 3 native cherry.”
2Oak | 1Oak |
3Cherry | 1Sweet Chestnut |
2Beech | 2Birch |
1Damson | 15Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
2Cherry | 2Pear |
“I bought a dwarf apple tree from the local garden centre to plant in a pot on my patio.”
1Apple |
1Willow | 1Beech |
“Our granddaughter planted an apple tree pip in 2022, now 6” tall.”
1Apple |
“Planted an Amelanchier Canadensis in my garden in October 2022, an ideal tree for a small garden.”
1Broadleaf |
“I planted a Cherry tree and the squirrels planted an acorn in my lawn so we have a baby oak now!!”
1Cherry | 1Oak |
“I planted an olive tree in my garden last summer 2022”
1Broadleaf |
“Planted mixed hedge/tree boundary to a 4.3 acre field, trees planted in corners of 8.4 acre total”
15Cherry | 1Damson |
30Field maple | 134Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
30Hazel | 15Broadleaf |
“I planted a Hornbeam and a rowan tree in my garden, they were 'rescued' from a churchyard locally.”
1Hornbeam | 1Broadleaf |
“I took over the grass verge next to my house and have planted 6 fruit trees 2 holly & 2 hazel”
4Apple | 2Hazel |
1Pear | 1Plum |
2Other Conifer |
“Moved into a new build home at Hasland. Planted 2 red robin and 1 beech”
1Beech | 2Broadleaf |
“I planted a Horse Chestnut tree at the rear end of our Garden next to a field in Sept 2021”
1Broadleaf |
1Birch |
“Planting of English oak tree on the Village Green to benefit future generations of humans & species.”
1Oak |
3Plum | 2Broadleaf |
“We asked EMH to plant 3 trees in our open space (social housing for elderly) and they did this”
3Field maple |
“Tree planted to keep the garden green and help look after nature ”
1Apple |
“Apple tree given in Long Eaton High Street by the Council and planted at Norfolk Road allotments ”
1Apple |
“We planted 2 Rowan trees in our garden to "split" our large garden and to attract more birds.”
2Broadleaf |
1Cherry |
1Cherry |
“We replaced a useless 20 tree Leylandii hedge with a wildlife hedge of 130 saplings +4 "wild" trees”
12Beech | 1Field maple |
2Cherry | 1Hawthorn |
1Hazel | 5Pear |
20Hawthorn | 110Broadleaf |
“This cherry tree is in memory of a cherry tree that was planted by my parents a young child.”
1Cherry |
“I have been transforming a bare courtyard at the rear of my bungalow into a little green oasis”
1Birch | 1Plum |
1Eucalyptus |
“I have redesigned my garden and have added 2 fruit trees an apple and a plum and also a magnolia.”
1Apple | 1Plum |
1Magnolia |
“I have planted an apple tree and a plum tree. ”
1Apple | 1Plum |
“We want to start producing some of our own food, so we’re growing fruit to make crumble and custard ”
1Plum |
“Moved to a new house and making the garden our own. ”
1Cherry | 1Apple |
1Pear | 1Plum |
“Planted to remember the late Reginald Clark in the final year of life. He loved this place ”
1Sweet Chestnut |
3Broadleaf |
“We planted 7 Olive trees and 2 Eucalyptus trees at the back of our home.”
7Broadleaf | 2Eucalyptus |
“Decide to bring my garden into life , to encourage nature to visit. ”
1Apple | 2Willow |
30Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 1Cherry |
“Planted 5trees in garden”
2Apple | 1Cherry |
1Field maple | 1Eucalyptus |
1Apple |
2Birch | 2Cherry |
1Nordic Spruce |
“My second grandchild was born in 2022 so I planted a Braeburn apple tree to mark her birth”
1Apple |
1Plum |
2Quince | 1Field maple |
1Damson | 1Willow |
1Cherry |
1Cherry | 1Birch |
“Planting on our large plot of land to keep darley hillside green ”
6Birch | 6Field maple |
“We planted the tree for the birds, it is a rowan for the berries, and as a perch near the bird table”
1Broadleaf | 1Cherry |
“As a new estate our developer's planted trees in our green space with the residents topping up too!”
4Apple | 4Cherry |
10Birch | 100Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
6Field maple | 1Eucalyptus |
1Plum | 12Hawthorn |
“We planted 3 hawthorns in the back garden.”
3Hawthorn |
“59 hawthorn trees”
59Hawthorn |
10Beech |
1Cherry |
“We are a Beacon school for The Tree Council, we have created a new hedgerow, copse and rewild areas”
70Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“I have planted a pear tree in my garden in 2022 when Erewash Borough council were giving them out.”
1Pear |
“I have grown an orchard. Added a Pear tree to it . Also growing a Willow, Chestnut and Oak tree.”
1Pear | 1Willow |
1Sweet Chestnut | 1Oak |
2Yew | 1Magnolia |
“Creating boundaries on our property ”
20Yew |
1Cherry |
“We planted a weeping cherry blossom in our front garden for our 30th Wedding Anniversay”
1Cherry | 1Cherry |
1Plum | 1Magnolia |
“silver birch tree planted in garden to replace aging apple tree near to end of life”
1Birch |
“We plated in our garden apple, cherry, plum, damson, black chokeberry and pear trees - 7 in total. ”
1Plum | 2Apple |
1Cherry | 1Damson |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
1Pear |
“Since 2021 we have planted a number of fruit trees in our garden”
1Apple | 2Pear |
1Cherry | 2Plum |
1Broadleaf |
“I planted a Victoria plum tree in January 2023. We are our first crop of plums this summer 🙂 ”
1Plum |
1Apple | 1Beech |
1Broadleaf |
“We have planted a silver birch to encourage more birds and wildlife into the garden ”
1Birch |
“We have added to our orchard”
1Plum |
“I wanted to disguise my fence panels so weaved a living willow fence. Love trees. ”
300Willow | 5Birch |
1Plum | 2Eucalyptus |
1Cherry |
“Planted a new Betula Pendula Silver Birch Tree in my front garden”
1Birch |
“Love trees, have planted fruit trees for the kids and willow trees for the interest”
3Apple | 1Pear |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
2Willow | 1Magnolia |
1Walnut |
“Living in Matlock, house in conservation area, front tree diseased, replaced with cranberry tree ”
1Broadleaf |
1Magnolia |
“The tree was planted by Crich Parish Council to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.”
1Birch |
“3 apple and a pear tree”
3Apple | 1Pear |
“I wanted to plant native trees in my garden to provide habitat for other species.”
1Apple | 1Hazel |
“For the lonsdale family”
1Willow |
“The old oak in our field has its saplings replanted so the horses and rabbits don’t eat them. ”
3Oak | 7Sycamore |
3Birch | 1Magnolia |
1Walnut | 2Apple |
1Pear | 30Alder |
“It is a jubilee plum tree, planted in our garden last summer 2022”
1Plum |
“Sapling grown from an acorn which fell from a tree at my childhood home and transplanted.”
1Oak |
“The tree was given to me as a retirement present from work. It is a Sorbus hupehensis. ”
1Broadleaf |
“We have bought our first house together, and have planted a tree to mark the start of our journey.”
1Sweet Chestnut |
“We wanted to grow our own fruit. ”
1Plum | 1Apple |
1Apple | 2Broadleaf |
1Broadleaf |
“A tree to look at from our living room, a tree so the neighbours cant see me watching tv in my PJs ”
4Aspen |
“We're managing our 35 acres for biodiversity, but we've also added an orchard”
5Sweet Chestnut | 1Plum |
9Broadleaf | 2Cherry |
“Replacing old bushes in the garden”
1Eucalyptus | 1Broadleaf |
“2023 Orchard”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Damson | 1Pear |
“We have planted a mini orchard of 6 fruit trees in the garden.”
6Apple |
2Plum |
“Since moving in in 2011 have now planted a variety of trees 10 in total the latest this week ”
1Plum | 2Apple |
1Hornbeam |
“Planted English old favourite fruit trees behind our house adding diversity and sustainability.”
5Apple |
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Eucalyptus |
“I just love trees!”
1Apple | 1Eucalyptus |
“This is a rowan grown from a berry and now doing very well - over 2 metres and with a few berries”
1Rowan |
“We wanted to plant a tree that would be beautiful and productive. Food for us and bees!”
1Apple |
“We were gifted a crabapple tree by ST Water and my children planted it in our wildflower area.”
1Apple |
“We have planted small fruit trees on a communal space in front of our house,”
3Apple | 1Cherry |
1Plum |
1Apple |
2Beech |
“My daughter bought me two fruit trees for my new garden back in 2019. I planted them in 2021.”
1Plum | 1Cherry |
“We planted an apple tree on our allotment which we got free from Erewash Borough Council. ”
1Apple |
“Planted a baby apple tree in July 2023, and then got it a pollination friend in late August 2023.”
1Apple | 1Apple |
3Beech |
“clearance sale, almost dried out & about to be thrown. I weaned back to health & planted in garden”
1Eucalyptus |
“My allotment plot was a gift. I wanted to plant fruit trees so that I can harvest and gift to others”
2Apple | 2Pear |
“Duffield Community Association planted a robinia pseudo acacia to enhance and improve our village.”
1Broadleaf |
4Apple | 4Pear |
1Plum |
“Duo plum and greengage tree moved to home from our plot at Starkholmes Allotments”
1Plum |
“Trying to build a home for birds and insects in my new-build garden using trees, shrubs and flowers.”
2Broadleaf |
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear |
“My son collected some acorns from west park, planted them and one is growing strong!”
1Oak |
“Trying to create more shade and better biodiversity for wildlife. 200 Hawthorn and beech hedges ”
6Apple | 4Pear |
3Plum | 1Cherry |
4Field maple | 4Beech |
2Sweet Chestnut | 4Oak |
2Damson | 200Hawthorn |
200Beech |
“Due to the removal of some overgrown trees on neighbouring land we planted an ornamental pear”
1Pear |
“Our apple tree was planted when we moved into our first house together (March 2023). ”
1Apple |
“Two Doyenne de Comice plus a Conference to ensure cross-fertilisation and fruit; a birthday gift. ”
3Pear |
1Cherry | 1Apple |
“I brought a chestnut from France a few years ago. It was in a pot, but is now planted in my garden.”
1Sweet Chestnut |
“I grow all my trees from local collected seeds. Bring them on at home and plant them on our farm.”
7Field maple | 18Broadleaf |
10Oak | 3Alder |
“I ‘rescued’ a sad looking willow tree from my local garden centre. It is now thriving.”
1Willow |
“We dug a large pond at the top of our field & planted a few trees nearby to attract more animals. ”
3Birch |
“We love our garden and we want to make it as ecologically/environmentally friendly as possible”
1Plum | 1Hazel |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
“Trees were a key part of our brand new garden.”
3Cherry | 4Beech |
1Aspen | 1Magnolia |
1Field maple |
“Renewed a pear tree”
1Pear |
“Moved house planted 2 apple trees, 1 plum,1 apricot, 1 cherry and an ornamental peach.”
2Apple | 1Plum |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
1Cherry |
1Magnolia |
“In October 2021 I planted a Parrotia persica which is in memory of my late mother Alice Okwudili ”
1Broadleaf |
1Broadleaf |
“Prior to 2021 I planted more than twenty trees (birch, ginkgo, rowan, apple, pear, etc) in garden.”
5Apple | 2Other Conifer |
1Hazel | 1Cherry |
1Yew | 1Cherry |
“Newly landscaped back garden which had no trees”
1Birch | 1Hawthorn |
1Broadleaf |
“In late 2021 I planted a dwarf plum tree to replace one that died about 10 years ago.”
1Plum |
“I’ve added 80 various trees to our farm, next to original woodland. ”
15Hazel | 10Apple |
5Walnut | 10Sweet Chestnut |
40Broadleaf |
“Planted a cherry tree in our garden”
1Cherry |
1Apple | 2Pear |
“I created a garden with trees, hedges, shrubs, plants and a wildflower meadow.”
1Field maple | 100Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
400Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 200Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
6Broadleaf | 15Birch |
4Eucalyptus | 3Conifer |
1Conifer |
“My daughter bought me a cherry tree for mother's day 2023”
1Cherry |
“I have a small garden and choose appropriate, beautiful, unusual trees to give it permanence.”
8Broadleaf |
“I have always loved weeping willows and finally have one of my own. Now I have.”
1Willow |
“We worked with the Parish Council to plant apple and lime trees on the recreation ground. ”
35Apple | 20Lime |
“We have and are planting as many trees as we can fruit and native to encourage all types of wildlife”
200Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 50Willow |
10Sweet Chestnut | 10Apple |
20Hawthorn | 10Oak |
20Birch | 10Nordic Spruce |
10Beech |
“I removed some trees and replaced with an apple and a pear tree”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“One chestnut planted in our hawthorn hedge”
1Sweet Chestnut |
“I have created a wildlife garden and have planted 7 trees to encourage biodiversity ”
1Damson | 1Cherry |
1Pear | 1Willow |
1Apple | 1Quince |
1Plum |
“I have planted a rowan in my garden to attract wildlife ”
1Broadleaf |
1Alder | 1Pear |
1Pear |
“We planted 7 pleached trees (Photinia Red Robin) for screening/privacy for us & our neighbours.”
7Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“A mixture of about 140 trees - mainly to help pollinators with native trees”
140Oak |
“Planted 2 conifers in the back garden 🙂 ”
2Conifer |
“My sister gave me an apple tree for my birthday, so I've planted it in my garden.”
1Apple |
“Planted 4 lime trees in memory of a friend ”
4Lime | 2Apple |
“We planted 3 fruit trees and a hawthorn in our garden.”
2Apple | 1Hawthorn |
1Pear |
“New build property so we wanted to add as many plants as too many people with plastic gardens!”
2Apple |
“Had our garden redesigned, I wanted dwarf fruit trees as a feature and for producing our own fruit.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Plum |
1Scots Pine | 2Sycamore |
2Broadleaf |
“2 Trees bought by my Grandma so we can always think of her. Planted in the garden of our new house.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“Blank canvas meant we needed to plant a garden...we planted lots of trees. We currently have 9!”
3Apple | 1Birch |
2Hazel | 2Pear |
1Plum |
1Field maple |
“Planting a link to the orchard that was here before”
1Apple | 1Plum |
1Pear |
“More trees in the mature garden at Darley House is a task, but this Himalayan Birch fits in lovely.”
1Birch |
“We planted a willow tree to mark Earth Day”
1Willow |
1Cherry |
“I always wanted an orchard and to be surrounded by trees. Shame I won’t see them in full maturity.”
20Apple | 10Alder |
15Hazel | 10Hornbeam |
10Oak | 10Willow |
10Cherry |
1Plum | 5Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
1Eucalyptus | 3Broadleaf |
“A Cherry tree was planted as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Green Canopy campaign.”
1Cherry |
“I had garden vouchers for a birthday and wanted to buy something I would appreciate for years!”
1Birch |
“Planted and ancient gnarled olive tree (approx. 200yrs old) and two Christmas tree saplings.”
1Broadleaf | 2Nordic Spruce |
1Other Conifer |
3Willow | 2Magnolia |
“In memory of trinity my little dog who passed away”
4Willow |
“I wanted to plant a tree in my new garden that would encourage wildlife ”
1Cherry |
“Three oaks replaced a huge sycamore that fell in the winter of 2022. To celebrate the Coronation. ”
3Oak |
“New build garden - hiding an ugly wall! All garden centre 'sick bay' reductions - thriving well!”
2Apple | 1Pear |
1Cherry | 2Willow |
1Broadleaf | 2Willow |
2Cherry | 1Cherry |
1Nordic Spruce | 1Other Conifer |
“We planted a cherry blossom to watch grow and brighten up the bottom of the garden”
1Cherry |
“Moved into newbuild 2020 landscaping front and back gardens in 2021 to add character and nature.”
1Birch |
1Apple |
“Always wanted an apple tree”
1Apple | 1Apple |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
“2 cherry blossom ”
2Cherry |
“We planted a crab apple tree to mark the life of QEII giving fruit for wildlife, blossom for bees.”
1Apple |
“Trees have always been a deep passion of mine, I'm now breeding many species, including the Ginkgo. ”
1Birch | 3Broadleaf |
1Conifer | 1Other Conifer |
3Other Conifer | 1Magnolia |
“As part of our Forest school program, we have planted a mixed hedge and 3 Oaks.”
40Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 1Apple |
3Oak |
1Cherry |
“I want to create a woodland of native trees, found in the Dove Valley. ”
20Alder | 10Beech |
40Birch | 5Cherry |
5Field maple | 20Hazel |
150Hawthorn | 40Oak |
5Scots Pine | 10Willow |
4Apple |
“We planted a 2 layer native species hedgerow with some funding from the Woodland Trust”
1100Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“Weeping willow tree & an apple tree planted in our back garden on Windmill Rise for my birthday”
1Willow | 1Apple |
“Planting native hedge with regular trees along it.”
5Hazel | 1Broadleaf |
5Hawthorn |
“We’ve planted an apple tree to remind me of my late mother who had the same tree and a pear tree”
2Apple |
1Plum | 1Pear |
“Anywhere I find a space I plant a tree. I would love to see more fruit trees on ordinary streets.”
1Plum | 1Pear |
1Apple |
“I was not able to tend my vegetable garden due to other commitments, so I have planted 6 fruit trees.”
1Pear | 2Apple |
2Cherry | 1Plum |
1Apple |
“St Leonard’s held a Christmas Tree Festival and planted some of the trees in the church yard”
3Other Conifer |
“I have planted many trees recently because I just love them! ”
1Willow |
1Hazel | 2Magnolia |
1Apple | 1Cherry |
“This tree was planted by our two children in tribute to their Grandad.”
1Sycamore |
“My mother and I planted 23 conkers and 6 acorns in April 2023 that we’d gotten from the local park”
6Oak | 23Broadleaf |
“An Amelanchier (Juneberry tree) in June 2022 to mark the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II”
1Broadleaf |
1Apple |
1Cherry | 2Apple |
“Screen from building noise/dust and then to give us some privacy once houses built. ”
3Cherry | 1Magnolia |
1Walnut | 1Oak |
“Moved 2 years ago. Approx one third acre. Completely empty save for a buddleia. Ground very stoney.”
4Apple | 3Beech |
3Birch | 1Cherry |
7Conifer | 1Damson |
2Eucalyptus | 1Field maple |
3Hazel | 3Hawthorn |
1Hornbeam | 1Magnolia |
2Pear | 1Plum |
1Willow |
“I grew an Oak tree from an Acorn I planted last year and this year we've planted it in our garden”
2Oak |
“Always wanted a laburnum in the 4 years living here as they look so pretty in flower ”
1Broadleaf | 1Cherry |
“We moved into our new house and planted a cherry tree, pear tree, apple tree and horse chestnut”
1Pear | 1Apple |
1Cherry | 1Sweet Chestnut |
“We are trying to grow a mini orchard in our garden to encourage wildlife and for free fruit!”
2Apple | 1Pear |
“We have recently planted 4 trees in our garden; a fig tree, a lilac tree, a plum tree, a cherry. ”
1Plum | 1Cherry |
2Conifer |
“We were given this tree by a family member and found a beautiful spot for it to flourish!”
1Hazel |
“We planted 5 fruit trees in the garden of our new build house in Kirk Langley”
2Pear | 1Apple |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
6Birch | 4Apple |
1Cherry | 1Pear |
1Plum | 1Other Conifer |
“We planted a sunburst cherry tree in memoriam of my father who passed away in January 2022.”
1Cherry |
“I planted a pear tree and will hopefully be planting an apple at the beginning of next year ”
1Pear |
“The stump of the old 'Ashton's Tree' was removed, a new traffic island created and Oak tree planted”
1Oak |
“Part of 44 trees planted alongside All Saints Junior School”
2Cherry | 30Hawthorn |
“Part of 44 trees planted alongside All Saints Junior School”
12Field maple |
“My mum & sister bought Acer Sun Valley for my 50th birthday, the walnut & ash were for privacy”
1Broadleaf | 1Walnut |
1Broadleaf |
“We wanted to grow some lovely fruit trees in our family allotment.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“Hoping to get a nice blossom from these cherry trees.”
3Cherry |
“I have planted 2 apple trees in my garden. ”
1Apple | 1Apple |
“When ash dieback caused some of our ash trees to be cut down, we promised we would replace them.”
2Apple | 1Plum |
2Pear |
“There's no conkers in this entire wood but one day soon there will be! ”
20Broadleaf |
“I wanted to add privacy to my new garden, whilst providing habitats for wildlife. ”
2Cherry | 3Apple |
1Beech |
“I've planted 4 fruit trees in remembrance to my dad who died in 2020 who was a keen expert gardener ”
1Cherry | 2Apple |
1Pear | 2Conifer |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
1Magnolia | 3Alder |
1Hazel |
“Planted our daughter’s first Christmas tree in the back garden ”
1Nordic Spruce |
“We have planted 2 magnolias in our new build garden”
2Magnolia |
“Wellingtonia …grown from a seed and planted in memory ”
1Other Conifer |
4Apple | 1Hazel |
3Pear |
“Moved into a new house without any trees. I couldn’t have that! One now planted, a few more to come.”
1Cherry |
“We wanted to replace a tree which was blown over in a storm. We replaced it with 2 Rowan trees. ”
2Broadleaf |
3Birch | 1Plum |
1Apple | 1Nordic Spruce |
1Apple | 2Cherry |
1Pear |
“Planted 5 fruit trees”
3Damson | 1Apple |
1Plum |
1Apple |
“Had some deceased trees that were becoming dangerous, we had to take them down and wanted to replant”
1Pear | 2Apple |
4Broadleaf |
“My husband bought me three trees for valentines a year ago, a pear tree, a cherry tree and an apple ”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear |
“We moved our shed and planted an apple tree.”
1Apple |
2Plum |
“While having treatment for cancer at Nottingham City Hospital I picked up some conkers to grow on.”
8Broadleaf |
1Beech | 1Cherry |
2Cherry |
“Apple tree planted in memory of my late husband.”
1Apple |
“We wanted a decorative fruit tree to grow in the front garden for the birds”
1Apple | 1Nordic Spruce |
“Planted several trees, crab apple, wayfaring, beech & native hedging at home to help wildlife. ”
5Broadleaf |
“Hopefully, this little tree will thrive and give everyone pleasure for years to come. ”
1Broadleaf |
“Our daughter Emma really enjoys apples, so we added to our orchard with a Cox Pippin… ”
1Apple |
1Eucalyptus | 1Pear |
1Sweet Chestnut | 1Walnut |
1Pear |
“As part of the Queens Canopy project we as a school planted 450 native trees 🌳 in two locations. ”
100Hawthorn | 100Hazel |
100Birch | 50Apple |
100Willow |
8Beech | 2Apple |
10Birch | 2Hornbeam |
15Broadleaf |
“I have planted 6 silver birch trees at the bottom of my garden. A magnolia tree, a lilac tree”
6Birch | 1Apple |
1Pear | 1Magnolia |
1Nordic Spruce | 1Cherry |
“Cherry blossom added to the back garden. ”
1Cherry |
“I planted a white-bark silver birch to brighten up a gloomy corner of the garden.”
1Apple | 1Hazel |
1Broadleaf |
“Moved into new build Dec 21. Planted a number of trees and bushes. Already have birds nesting.”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
2Pear | 1Plum |
1Magnolia | 2Broadleaf |
“On our new allotment we have planted 5 trees, cherry, apple, plum, pear and filbert. ”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Pear | 1Plum |
1Hazel |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
“I wanted to plant a couple of trees which would provide food for birds and bees and provide habitat.”
1Broadleaf | 1Apple |
“Planted as part of the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations ”
1Cherry |
“We moved house 2 years ago and have planted some trees to improve biodiversity and benefit wildlife.”
3Birch | 4Apple |
1Hawthorn |
“To remember our foster daughters mum who passed away in 2020 ”
1Cherry |
“I planted a second apple tree in April 2022 in order to pollinate an apple tree that I already had”
1Apple |
“Copper Beech Tree in Memory of Peveril Homes colleague Terry Wragg”
1Beech |
1Eucalyptus | 1Broadleaf |
“We planted 7 trees for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee and 8 more with donations from members & supporters.”
15Birch |
“We moved 1yr ago to a paved and astroturfed garden. Now grass turfed with a cherry tree. Ongoing. ”
1Cherry |
“I’ve planted a green gage tree”
1Greengage |
“Planted trees in our field. Oak, crab apple, downy Birch, silver birch, horse chestnut ”
2Birch | 5Hawthorn |
2Oak | 1Sweet Chestnut |
1Apple |
“I planted a ten year old Oak tree in memory of my late husband Trevor.”
1Oak |
“We have planted a flowering Cherry, Prunus Royal Burgundy, to mark the coronation of King Charles”
1Cherry |
“We planted a Concorde Pear tree in 2021 in memory of a family member who was a pilot.”
1Pear |
“We have planted two trees in our summer paddock to provide shade when they grow.”
2Broadleaf |
“We planted a crabapple, Malus Royalty, to mark the Queens Platinum jubilee in 2022. ”
1Broadleaf | 1Hazel |
1Willow |
“We planted this tree with the ashes of our last dog.”
1Sycamore |
2Oak |
3Pear | 1Apple |
1Plum |
“We are a registered care home and we planted a Downy Birch tree to commemorate the Kings coronation.”
1Birch |
“We planted a Buddleia tree to encourage more butterflies.”
1Buddliea |
1Hazel | 1Willow |
1Broadleaf |
“18 trees since 1997 in the garden, more recently 4 during autumn 2021. ”
2Apple | 1Magnolia |
1Plum |
“I was given an unwanted tree from a Surrey garden and planted it in my garden in Chesterfield.”
1Hazel |
“My dad bought us an apple tree for our garden, which we have named after him - 'George' - he is 92.”
1Apple |
“We have planted a Monkey Puzzle Tree and an Olive tree at our house”
1Monkey Puzzle | 1Olive |
“Planting a fruit tree that we can see blossom and fruit each year ”
1Plum |
3Hawthorn |
“Planted a cherry tree and a pear tree in memory of Bolt, my much missed heart dog. ”
1Cherry | 1Pear |
“ Planting small and larger fruit trees for the bees and British natives for the birds”
1Apple | 2Birch |
1Pear | 3Cherry |
1Apple |
“For our son”
1Broadleaf |
“There is some open land opposite our house, so we thought some plumb trees would fit nicely there. ”
2Plum |
“A tree growing project that I am setting up. See”
2Plum | 2Cherry |
“I always wanted a bramley apple tree. Now I have one and I'm helping the environment. ”
1Apple |
“Mixed species hedgerow planting carried out by DCC as part of the Million Trees project”
2650Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“I planted my tree on my brothers birthday who died from suicide in 2018. ”
1Cherry |
“We planted several trees in our garden to help the environment ”
1Cherry | 1Magnolia |
4Conifer | 2Field maple |
“We have planted an apple tree in our garden in January 2022”
1Apple |
“We planted a Rowan tree in April 2023 grown from a seed collected on Cromford Moor in 2015”
1Broadleaf |
“Planted a crab, a cooker and three cider apple trees plus a quince in my back garden. Hoping for future shade, juice, and wassailing opportunities”
5Apple | 1Quince |
1Plum |
“We wanted to plant some fruit trees so our daughter could enjoy the experience of growing and eating products we grew ourselves. ”
1Apple | 1Plum |
“An oak tree sapling was growing in the wrong place. Rather than disposal . I planted in a safer place where it will thrive safely.”
1Oak |
“It is a hazel tree. It self seeded itself into my garden wheelbarrow. I moved into into the middle of the lawn where it is very happy.”
1Hazel |
“We have a lovely selection of trees and have been adding to them since we arrived in 2014. They enhance the landscape and are good for nature and the climate.”
3Other Conifer | 1Yew |
1Birch | 2Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“Tidying the garden.”
1Field maple |
“We like growing fruit and some of our old trees are beginning to fail.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
20Alder | 4Apple |
20Birch | 50Cherry |
39Broadleaf | 20Field maple |
20Hazel | 50Hawthorn |
1Lime | 10Oak |
“Redesign of the garden. ”
1Birch |
“I grew my tree from an acorn and planted it next to the foot path at the bottom of our garden.”
1Oak |
1Broadleaf | 3Apple |
“Planted to celebrate moving to our new home”
1Beech |
“Over the past 20 years Bolsover Civic Society has planted approximately 100 trees around the town centre. This years planting was to commemorate 'The Queen's Green Canopy' for Queen Elizabeth II”
6Broadleaf |
“I have planted two fruit trees in my garden in Bakewell, 1 plum and 1 apple.”
1Apple | 1Plum |
“Fleet Folkloric Forum planted an apple tree in our front garden as part of the 2023 FFF Wassail. ”
1Apple |
1Willow |
“We planted tress on a school field for a variety of reasons; as part of the Queen's Green Canopy, to increase biodiversity, to soak up excess flood water, to provide shade, to create a copse, to create a hedge, to tackle climate change.”
50Birch | 50Cherry |
50Hazel | 50Hawthorn |
50Oak | 50Willow |
20Hawthorn | 2Apple |
20Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“I used to live in France and had an orchard. Since moving to Long Eaton I've planted a few fruit trees for me and for the wildlife, three crab apples and three plums.”
3Apple | 3Plum |
1Beech | 8Birch |
1Field maple |
2Cherry | 1Apple |
“10 beech trees planted in the last six months”
10Beech |
1Hornbeam | 1Walnut |
3Cherry |
10Pear |
1Birch |
“My little tree was planted during the Covid pandemic as part of a garden project”
1Cherry |
1Apple | 1Cherry |
1Field maple |
3Alder | 3Beech |
10Apple | 10Pear |
“Planting up a new build plot to encourage wildlife.”
10Hawthorn | 1Pear |
1Apple |
“We secured a tree pack from the Woodland trust and after nurturing the trees for the summer last year we were able to plant the saplings a mix of different native deciduous trees, out in the local Primary School's Field of Dreams. The project joined with the Village Preschool who also planted a number of trees in the "forest school" area of the field. A wonderful session planting with the pre-schoolers who really enjoyed digging and planting!”
12Hawthorn |
“The Parish Council gained permission from the owners of the Navigation Inn and the Sustrans organisation to plant a number of saplings in the rear garden of the pub ”
3Birch | 2Hazel |
3Hawthorn |
“The Parish Council secured mixed tree packs from the Woodland Trust over the past three years and planted a small "woodland" on a local path used by many residents”
30Hawthorn |
“Community lead group. Improving biodiversity and removal of invasive species. Woodland Trust donated 120 hedgerow species to replace snowberry along the canal towpath. ”
120Broadleaf |
“New house planted some trees 1 year after moving in, planted fruit trees as on an old os map the area used to be orchard ”
5Apple |
“Making our garden a home to wildlife & growing fruit/veg and already have other fruit trees & plants ”
1Pear |
“Planted a plum tree in Upper Hackney, Matlock ”
1Plum |
“We moved home with a larger garden. We love growing and harvesting fruit and veg. To add to the garden we purchased 4 trees (2 apple and 2 pear). ”
2Apple | 2Pear |
“We’ve planted 2 Russet fruit trees in our Bakewell garden. A beautiful tree & fingers crossed lots of fruit”
2Apple |
1Pear |
“We have several trees in our garden, fruiting and ornamental which ave been added since we moved to our home. We had space for two more fruit trees so they were planted winter 2022. We planted a crab apple to help with pollination and that has been potted for one year while we chose a spot for it. We now have planted it in its final position and have a lovely display of blossom. The pear was a sad looking purchase from a diy store and although no blossom this year it is looking far more healthy in its spot in the garden.”
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Birch |
“New build. Wanted to create a home for nature and instant impact ”
3Pear |
“Planted the tree at a boundary wall as focal point.”
1Cherry |
“Planted a new weeping pear tree to reduce our carbon footprint for the environment ”
1Pear |
“We planted two trees one for my auntie sue and one for my nana Shirl who passed away ”
1Cherry | 1Aspen |
1Damson |
“Love trees xx”
2Apple | 1Cherry |
3Conifer | 1Magnolia |
1Pear | 1Willow |
“We are planting a row of native trees along our field border to encourage wildlife and for the jubilee ”
1Willow | 1Beech |
3Cherry | 1Birch |
3Magnolia | 3Nordic Spruce |
30Hawthorn | 1Walnut |
“We planted a cherry tree in our garden”
1Cherry |
“Our dog used to love apples so when we does we planted one in his memory. We’ve gone on to plant a further two pear trees and a cherry tree.”
1Apple | 1Cherry |
2Pear |
“We have recently planted two blossom trees in our garden. Due to building work we had lost some shrubs from our garden and wanted to replace these with trees”
1Plum | 1Cherry |
“Classic Whitebeam in memory of my Mum”
1Hornbeam |
“We’ve planted two apple trees and one holly tree in our garden”
2Apple | 24Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“I have a number of trees and I have added two pear trees and an apple tree in my garden”
2Pear | 1Apple |
“Ordered a native sapling from The Wildlife Trust ”
1Birch |
“I wanted to plant some fruit trees to teach my children about growing their own and between my fruit trees we have strawberries 🍓 ”
1Apple | 1Pear |
“When we bought it the western garden of our house in Whaley Bridge was a derelict nursery which had seen no work since 1957 and comprised tumbled down glass houses, potting sheds, a boiler house and privy under a closed canopy of overgrown Laurel, and dense ivy as well as three self set oak trees less than five metres from the house. Slash and burn was our only option followed by a complete replant, primarily with small native hedgerow tress and a few taller specimens.”
6Apple | 1Beech |
1Birch | 2Cherry |
1Hazel | 2Hawthorn |
1Scots Pine | 1Yew |
24Willow | 6Broadleaf |
1Sweet Chestnut |
“3 trees paid for by a donor planted in Stoneywood community woodland last autumn 2022 ”
3Apple |
“Planted a hawthorn tree and an apple tree”
1Hawthorn | 1Apple |
“Started an Orchard”
2Apple | 1Plum |
1Cherry |
“New build and wanted to attract birds so planted lots of bushes and three maple trees”
3Field maple |
“Planted 2 apple trees and three acers”
2Apple | 3Field maple |
“I planted a tree in my garden”
1Birch |
“We live in a new build, and wanted a tree in our garden ”
1Apple |
“The Victoria Plum tree was a birthday present. I planted it with my other fruit trees on my allotment. ”
1Plum |
“We have planted 20 trees in this location with the assistance of One Planet Matters. These trees are all fruit trees. ”
20Apple |
“Landscaping of new bungalow ”
4Broadleaf | 1Nordic Spruce |
1Cherry | 1Plum |
“I planted a tree to add interest to my garden.”
2Apple |
“When we bought our home back in 2011 our back garden was a barren expense of lawn with not a single flower, shrub or tree. I wanted to bring back scent, life and wildlife into it. So over the past decade I have been filling (or overfilling) the garden with plants including as many trees as I can cram into the relatively small space. Some are very new, but others are starting to mature and to see the blossom on the fruit trees in spring, and to collect the apples and cherries is a wonderful feeling. Plus getting shouted at by a myriad of tiny birds hidden in the tree branches is a perfect example of how bringing back trees also helps to bring back native wildlife too.”
2Apple | 2Cherry |
2Plum | 1Beech |
2Broadleaf |
3Apple | 4Hazel |
5Oak | 8Alder |
6Aspen |
“5 fruit trees and two magnolia trees in 2022 and another two magnolias this year”
2Apple | 2Pear |
1Plum | 3Magnolia |
“As part of redeveloping my garden I have planted an amelanchier, 2 crab apples, a small weeping willow a witch Hazel and a Hazel contorta. Crab apple evereste and witch hazel were the last to go in in March 2022. I've also planted a hornbeam hedge. ”
1Apple | 1Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
1Hazel |
“For my 70 th birthday”
2Eucalyptus |
2Apple | 2Pear |
6Hazel | 6Hawthorn |
24Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“Planted 2 tress in our garden. A Eupatorium Red Cascade and a Mountain Ash(Rowan tree). To support shelter and food for the wildlife.”
1Spindle | 1Rowan |
“50 trees planted in past 11 years, (rowans, apples, plums, Ginkgos, magnolias, pears, willow, olives. crab apple, apricots). The ones listed below are since 2021”
7Apple | 1Hazel |
1Other Conifer | 2Plum |
1Willow |
“Redesigning our garden. Added an additional four trees.”
1Plum | 1Magnolia |
2Broadleaf |
6Cherry |
“We have created a wildflower garden and want to attract as much wildlife as possible. With this in mind we planted a Laburnum tree a Rowan tree, a Plum tree, a Magnolia and a Eucalyptus.”
1Broadleaf | 1Rowan |
1Plum | 1Magnolia |
1Eucalyptus |
1Plum |
“Since 2022, I have planted two Magnolia Trees, one Nordic Spruce Tree and two Eucalyptus Trees. ”
2Magnolia | 2Eucalyptus |
1Nordic Spruce |
1Yew | 1Other Conifer |
2Apple | 3Cherry |
3Plum |
3Oak | 1Hazel |
3Birch |
“We have made a large planter as part of a garden project. We have planted a heritage apple tree. We should have out first fruit in October 2023 :-)”
1Apple |
“Last year and this year I added a Crab Apple and a Pear tree to the 8 trees already planted in my garden”
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Apple | 1Pear |
1Plum |
“We live on a relatively new build housing estate and the street scene is very 'built' and not very 'green'. We're trying to make a nicer environment for wildlife and for ourselves and our neighbours to live in. We have planted a standard Birch tree and a native hedgerow. ”
1Birch | 50Hedgerow (no. of trees) |
“These trees were planted/funded by Derbyshire County Council as part of the Million Trees Project.”
850Hedgerow (no. of trees) | 5Lime |
5Oak |
“The two trees were donated by DCC as part of the Million Trees campaign. We had previously felled some conifers and wanted to replant with native trees. We are working with Draycott in Bloom who will be responsible to watering the trees. A true community event”
1Field maple | 1Hornbeam |
We have received your submission and are grateful for your contribution towards our goal of planting 1 million trees in Derbyshire by 2030. Our team is currently reviewing your submission. We will notify you as soon as it has been approved and added to the map. Thank you again for your support.