
We can't do it without you
We know that to plant a million trees in Derbyshire means that we can’t do it alone! We are looking for businesses and organisations who would like to support the initiative through sponsorship, partnerships, contributing trees, volunteering, events, and other solutions. Working with Derbyshire County Council to help achieve the project aims can provide many benefits to your business and local community. Tree planting can mitigate the effects of climate change, help towards a company’s CSR goals and improves the local environment for residents in your community. We can offer tailored solutions and guidance for however you would like to get involved. Get in touch with us using the contact form below to learn more about how we can work together on this ambitious project.

Benefits of planting for your business or organisation
Supporting the Million Trees project as a business or organisation will support the growth and success of this exciting initiative. Below are a few of the benefits:
- Help to combat the effects of climate change
- Great stories and PR opportunities
- Opportunities for team building using volunteer days to plant trees
- Carbon offsetting
- Benefits to your community and help generate local engagement