How to plant & care for trees

How to plant trees
Planting trees has never been more important and we need your help if we are to meet the target of one million trees planted by 2030. If you have the tools and space available to start, we have guidance on this page to give your new trees the best chance of thriving for generations to come. The best time to plant trees is when they are dormant – usually September – March, giving plenty of time to plan and organise either individual or community planting.
Trees come in various sizes such as whips (50-125cm), feathers (150-175) and standards (1.8m and up). Which size you choose will require a different planting technique but don’t worry, see the links and documents provided to get the right advice!

Care for trees
Once you have planted your trees, it is important to take care of them to make sure they are able to grow and thrive for many years to come. External factors such as the weather, weeds and pests can damage newly planted trees. Advice and guidance is available to give your trees the best chance of surviving and being around for future generations to enjoy.

Ash dieback
Ash dieback otherwise known as Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus is a fungal disease that originated in East Asia that is having a devastating impact on Britain’s native ash trees. Ash trees make up around 12% of the UK’s broadleaf trees and there are an estimated 9 million ash trees in Derbyshire alone. The disease was first identified in the UK in 2012 and has spread around the country with estimates currently predicting we will lose 60-90% of the ash trees nationwide.
Derbyshire County Council are working hard to mitigate the effects the disease is having on the county through in many ways, including the Million Trees project and are continuing to monitor the counties ash trees. It is believed that the remaining 40-10% of ash will be resistant to the fungus and that ash trees will remain an important part of the British countryside.
DCC believe it is important in planting the right tree, in the right place, for the right reasons. The majority of trees being planted under the Millions Tree project are native broadleaves and conifers including oak, hornbeam, poplar, aspen, birch, cherry and Scots pine. These trees help improve biodiversity by providing habitat for native wildlife as well as capturing carbon.
Trees are versatile and will grow in a range of conditions and sites but choosing the right tree for the right place will allow it to thrive. Often looking at what is growing locally can give you a good idea of what will do well but further information on specific trees growing requirements can be found by searching the tree species on the RHS website.
Yes! Losing a mature tree to disease, a storm or just because its reach the end of its natural life cycle is always sad, but replanting is a good option and we would be happy to help you do that if we can.
When planting single trees or small groups no permission is needed, however you should take into account that the tree will grow so you don’t want it to interfere with buildings or neighbouring properties. If you want to plant large areas over 2 hectares in size or in sensitive areas you will need to contact your local forestry commission office and provide an environmental impact assessment.
Due to the wide spread ash dieback disease we do not advise anyone to plant ash. Planting oak, hornbeam, alder or other native broadleaf trees are an excellent substitute for ash trees.
The lifespan of a tree varies a lot and depends on a range of factors. Some trees such as oak can live for hundreds of years and so if you look after your new tree it is very likely it will exist for future generations to enjoy.